The film opens with Lígia (Cavalli), a barkeeper UN agency is bored to death along with her laborious routine and UN agency is forced to habitually flip down the sexual propositions of the bar's customers. one amongst the lads UN agency hits on Lígia is patriarch, a necrophiliac UN agency enjoys sodomizing corpses and drinking their blood. He lives at the Texas building, wherever Dunga (Nachtergaele), a gay man, works as a repairman. Dunga is drawn to Wellington (Díaz), a butcher UN agency delivers meat to the building. Wellington, however, is married to Kika (Paes), a lady UN agency is proud to be associate evangelical Christian. However, Wellington cheats on his woman with a lady named Dayse (Alves).
In turn, Dayse is bored with being Wellington's mistress and tells Dunga regarding the connection.
Dunga anonymously reveals to Kika that her husband is cheating on her, thinking that if he will destroy their wedding, then he and Wellington will become lovers. Kika finds Wellington and Dayse along, attacks them, then leaves permanently. Wellington goes to the Texas building to hunt solace. Dunga desires to require Wellington up to his space, however Wellington is shelve by the ceremonial of the recently died owner. Meanwhile, patriarch is thrown out of the bar when attempting to forcibly grab Lígia. he's then seen driving his automotive and running into Kika; the 2 of them have a go at it. because the film concludes, Lígia is shown once more protestant regarding her routine. this can be followed by a ikon of everyday town life, ending with Kika deciding to dye her hair identical shade that created patriarch thus drawn to Lígia.
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