The story itself could be a acquainted one. The exiled Polish musician Chopin (played by Janusz Olejniak, a real-life Polish piano player with no previous acting experience) resides along with his mistress, the romantic author writer (Marie-France Pisier) in her idyllic country retreat at Nohant. when years of stormy on-and-off passion, Chopin still loves his girl, however his eye is popping a lot of and a lot of towards her provocative and marriageable female offspring (Sophie Marceau).
How is their 'conflict' resolved? Well, it isn't, extremely - for the easy reason that nothing in life ever actually is. The turbulent trio entertain a containerful of illustrious guests. Among them square measure the author author, fils (mourning the death of his real-life girl of the Camellias) and also the opera opera star saint Viardot (trilling some chic Bellini arias on the soundtrack). Sand's handsome however sinister son models puppet look-alikes of all the guests. Acrobats from a traveling circus float among the trees, like gossamer orange phantoms.
Each one of the performances is perfect. As writer, Marie-France Pisier is each in. the alluring however displeasing 'monstre sacre' of such a lot literary story. Sophie mimer is irresistible as her female offspring - half-Lolita, half-Lady king - the primary stage of her evolution from Gallic teenaged missy to mature thespian. As for Olejniak, I will solely believe he was associate acting neophyte as a result of Zulawski same thus himself.In each word and gesture, each utterly lovely image of this film, you see the Romantic Era come back to life. You sit in awe, nod your head obtusely, and assume "Yes, it had been like this!" If it wasn't, History got it wrong.
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